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What is the climate outlook for October 2022?

There’s talk of ghouls, goblins, and climate outlooks in the air. It must be the beginning of October. The October 2022 climate outlook from NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center favors a hotter-than-average month for the western and central United States, and a colder- and wetter-than-average month for the Mid-Atlantic.

What if the planet goes direct in Aquarius on October 22?

The past few months have been contemplative and different from every water-bearer, Aquarius; you're all so unique. So when the planet goes direct in your sign on Saturday, October 22, make time to reflect on your spiritual growth, and even treat yourself to a massage, relaxing bath, or whatever your preferred form of self-love is.

What is the drought outlook for Idaho in October 2022?

Much of the increase in drought area is due to an expansion of drought in Idaho during September. Drought area also increased in size in September for the High Plains, while reducing in size and severity in the South and Northeast. Drought outlook for the Lower 48 U.S. states in October 2022.

What happens on the 2nd of October?

Mercury turns direct on the 2nd, and you're likely to see some forward motion in recent endeavors that have stalled. Delays may lift on money owed or due and educational, travel, or publishing efforts as new information emerges or unclogs. New or revitalized interests, studies, and experiences can figure strongly in October.

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